New Year's Resolution 2024

2024 Here We Come

In the tapestry of time, let the new thread resonate the symphony of time and our resolutions be the notes that create the melody of our new life.
Unknown Author

What I Learned

I read a variety of articles that people wrote for 2023 World Ember. I learned a few things.
  1. Details:

    These are important because without them it leaves people confused. And the details matter, not just for the reader but for the writer as well. Us writers need to see the world we're writing so that we can bring it to life for our readers.
  2. Wording:

    Make sure to write in a way that readers can understand.
  3. Unique:

    Make the world unique with each article.
  4. Formatting:

    The look of an article is important as well. The look (which includes pictures, font, and color) contributes to the feel of the world. If it doesn't match with what is written or it can't be read (due to an illegible font), it will turn readers away, even if the article and associated novels or stories are interesting and well-written.
  5. Formatting 2:

    Break up the writing into small chunks. It's easier to read than a wall of text that never seems to end.


  • Write at least one article a day, with enough detail to bring my world alive
  • Edit The Doomsday Codex to include new information
  • Choose which platform to publish on
  • Publish The Doomsday Codex by July 1st (if possbile)
  • Choose which aspect(s) of Caelum Prime to explore that hasn't been explored yet.


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