SC24 Homework

"The only constant in the cosmos is change. Fight it, and you are swept away. Dance with it, and you learn to soar."
Elara Starlight

Week One


Caelum Prime
I will update Luke Parsons's article with more information on what they experienced (a hate crime). This lead into creating an article (or more than one) on hate crimes against transgenders and how it affected the world of Caelum Prime. I also want to cover how it's been address. Though this may need another article.   In another article, I will be writing an article on the Kairos, a mind to computer interface and how its impacted the world.   Then there's the article about slavery to write. When it started, when it stopped, which kingdom slaves came from, and the lasting impacts.   Lastly is units of measurements and how standardizing them impacted the world.  
Sielah Universe
This is a universe that I've been working on for years and am finally bringing it to World Anvil. It's a place that has gone through much including a civil war and the kingdom spliting into five.  

Pledge Goal

I've attached my pledge document. But just so we're all on the same page, I'm going for the Diamond in Caelum Prime and in Sielah Universe  

For Categories and Tags

Caelum Prime
I'm happy with my categories. But I haven't done any tags, so I will be spending the week updating those for all of my articles.
I finished updating my tags on 6/7/24
Sielah Universe
I will provide tags as I create the articles for this universe. And I will be setting up categories.
I set up categories on 6/18/24.
"A kingdom may fall, but even in ruins, one can find refuge in the strength of their people."
Archon Gállego

Week Two


Caelum Prime
I already have several places setup as a refuge such as wildlife preserves and buildings. I can add music as another refuge since I haven't created much of it for my world. I will also be expanding on what I have.  
Sielah Universe
This isn't something I had thought of until the second book, and even in this one there isn't many places of refuge. But it is something that I would like to expand on, not just with what I already have written but with new places.  


I have a couple different servers on Discord where I can share what I'm doing and get support, even if that support only comes in encouragement when my energy is sagging.  


Caelum Prime
I like the theme I've chosen. I do have a few articles that could use with some break up and styling fixes like adding pics. I'll work on a few of those over the week.  
I've completed the styling for Caelum Prime and it required me to make some stubs and new categories. Full styling of all my articles will take time especially since I need to edit/add to them.
Sielah Universe
I have yet to look at themes of this universe. Getting one that works and seems to fit usually takes me a bit of time and energy as I work on the world. As for styling my articles, since I haven't started any for this world, I'll make it up as I go.
Homepage is styled and ready to go as of 6/17/24. And did a complete redo on 6/18/24. Whether it or not it weathers the test of me adding in information, we shall see.
Belief is the starlight that guides us through the darkest night. Even the faintest glimmer can illuminate the path ahead."
The Stargazer of Vepar

Week Three


Caelum Prime
I already have two major religions in my world of Caelum Prime. I have 14 ethinicities in this world, all with their own sets of beliefs besides one of the two major religions. I want to expand on these beliefs. I will be focusing on the following two first and then going from there.  
Sielah Universe
At one time everyone believed in one Goddess. Over time other Gods/Goddesses from her past arrived and stole the hearts of some. Worship varies depending on the God/Goddess being worshipped.   For those who still believe in the main Goddess, there are four tales that are set in the early days that show how people are to act or not depending on the tale. The written copy is closely guarded and the tales are talked about in hushed voices by those who still remember.  

Inspiration IRL

Caelum Prime
I have plenty of inspiration by just looking outside. I have a playlist going on YouTube for music inspiration for this world.  
Sielah Universe
Again I have plenty of inspiration from nature. Though I've been working with this world so long, I'm not sure exactly where my inspiration came from. As for music, I have a writing playlist on YouTube that I've used, but to be honest I don't have one dedicated for this universe. It's been on ongoing process of whatever works.  

Images and Maps

Caelum Prime
I've created a map for my world and generated art for it that fits in the world. I will be adding more art to articles as I update them.  
Sielah Universe
I have a couple of maps, which I'd like to update first. Then I will create the universe here on WA and upload.
I have the maps uploaded with a little bit of interactivity on them but I will need to update them when I start generating articles.
"The city of Crefalls, once a beacon for us Defenders, has crumbled and gone to ruin. Vines strangle its marble, and whispers of forgotten magick echo through its hollow halls."
Marshal Lann

Week Four


Caelum Prime
Caelum Prime has seen its up and days. It was set up by Infinite Grace to be a haven for humans so they didn't have to worry about the Gloombringers. Yet, the Gloombringers found a way to get to Caelum Prime and to the humans. It has caused decay of morality, decay in the the belief of Infinite Grace... and the insidiousnous of wars that put the young in the ground before their time. And because of everything the Gloombringers have done or set into motion, Caelum Prime is slowly and irrevocably on a collison course with an apocalypse.  
Sielah Universe
It's seen much as well, especially the world of Tangwyn. On Tangwyn, there are those who hunger for more power, those who have been corrupted by dark gods and those who are plain mad. There's already been one Civil War that tore a Kingdom apart. War is brewing again, after Seanna kills a tyrant King bent on domination and the other Kingdoms see her as an easy mark. Belief in Morgance has decayed, allowing many too be swayed away from her.  

Writing Space

I have a comfy place to rest while I'm writing, and my two screen setup allows me to see everything I need to see. Since I'm also working on being healthier, I've cut out drinking Mt. Dew when I write, but have found that I do need the caffeine. So, now, I have a pitcher that I make iced black tea in. Whenever I empty it during a stream/writing session, I make another pitcher afterwards to have to ready to go for the next time. I've got a pretty chill layout that works.  


Both homepages convey the themes for each. Both are looking the way I want them (at the moment, anyway) to, but as the articles grow and the worlds evolve, I will have to check to make sure the homepages still convey what they need to.
Time to take a bow!
Summer Camp is but a week away and the worldbuilding frenzy begins, until then...
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Daria Glodowska via Pixabay


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Jun 25, 2024 09:31

Hey, great to see you're done with the pledge and I hope you get that shiny diamond! Also, "Vines strangle its marble, and whispers of forgotten magick echo through its hollow halls." is a great line that makes me wait for more of this... Have an awesome summercamp and even better prompts.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Jun 25, 2024 23:45 by Lady Wynter

Doing that building will be important for that world. I don't know if I'm going to get it done during Summer Camp or not. We'll have see. Either way, it will get done with all the worldbuilding I've got to do.   And thanks for dropping a line.

Bringing the Light