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Alea, the Amber Serpent

The first known mortal to be blessed by the Great Wolves, Alea is venerated across the southern continent. She encountered the Steadfast Earthrise Wolf before the nation of Ara fell, and was Exalted - transformed into a humanoid immortal with an aspect of her Wolf's powers. Many people credit her for the discovery of okai, a magic-absorbing crystal. But Alea's mind fractured beneath millennias' worth of war and sorrow. Her vision clouded, she descended into madness, trying to undo her priceless blessing.  

Cracked Crystals

Main: Of the Snake's Tears
Alea was once a human widow. Her husband, one of the long-extinct Sunborn, was killed before the first shockwave that struck the desert nation of Ara. She spent her time decorating the graves of the fallen with crystals. On one journey into the desert, she encountered Lapis, the Steadfast Earthrise Wolf in a cave of okai. After deeming her worthy, Lapis blessed her - covering her in crystalline scales, granting her immortality and power over gems, especially okai. She emerged from that cave as the first demi-god in history.   When the Lirustime triggered a wave of destruction, Alea worked with Lapis to slow Ara's collapse. She helped refugees to escape the chaos, and stemmed the chaotic changes in the desert's wyr-currents. But there was one thing Lapis forbade her to do: investigate the source of the disaster. She only knew that The Midnight's effects on reality had caused the nation's fall, and the Great Wolf insisted she not try to learn more. Yet Alea's determination to help had only grown stronger with time. If she had the power, why should she not use it? So she set out for the Skyward Vaults, the heart of Ara, searching for a way to undo its destruction.   Whatever lay in the Skyward Vaults has since been buried or destroyed, but its effect on Alea was instant and intense. Lapis found and rescued her quickly, but the damage had already been done. And though he cleansed her body, her experience left doubt and fear in her mind. It amplified her mortal failings, turning her gaze away from her Wolf. Though she was able to resume her duties as an Exalted, and even played a hand in the creation of the Bian Mountains, she was forever changed by what she had witnessed.   The centuries took a great toll on Alea after this incident. Watching friends and nations fall was too much for her mind, which was too mortal to handle immortality. Eventually, desperate for release and haunted by what she had seen, she returned to the Vaults, hoping the dark would undo her immortality. That was the last time she was ever seen.

Divine Domains

Though she is not a source being like her patron Wolf, Alea still holds dominance over all precious stones in the earth. Some know her as Earthshaker, for her ability to find and open weak points in the earth like an artificer knows the facets of a gem. Okai, her specialty, is revered across Wyral for its ability to prevent mages from casting without any... unsavoury effects.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The most common imagery of the Amber Serpent is, fittingly, a small statue of her with tiny gems inserted along the tail. These are used all over the southern continent as protective symbols. In certain professions, they are even used to help ward off evil and carry good will.
Affiliation: Earth
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations

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