Percussive Stages
Music and dance are vital parts of any culture, and Liyru is no exception. Despite their reputation for being chained to tradition, this relatively new invention has quickly become one of the most widely-appreciated forms of music and art in the city - a stage that acts as an instrument. The material that percussive stages are made of are treated and enchanted to create drum-like noises, and the stage performer is the musician: as they move, their footfalls create the very music they dance to.
Innovation in Stagnation
As a city dedicated to upholding the past, Liyru's culture is famous for being practically in stasis. Their focus on constancy and steadfastness, when combined with the ikayal's comparatively long lifespans, makes it difficult for outside practices to gain a foothold. Most changes in the past few decades took several decades before that to take root - so despite Liyru's prosperity, many ambitous ikayal merchants choose other civilisations to spread their ideas. But some notable exceptions exist, and the percussive stage is one of them. The percussive stage's nod to Liyru's already-established culture is likely what allowed it to thrive. Dance is a staple in Liyru, dance that tells a story even more so. By infusing runes of amplification into tanned leather, and then stretching it taut over a large, drum-like chamber, one can create what is functionally a drum large enough for several people to stand and move upon. Runes are also used to simulate the different sounds that drums of different shapes make, so that by stepping on it with enough force and at the proper angle, a performer can create a multitude of sounds.Performance
Naturally, an instrument of this complexity requires an equally complex routine. Performers not only have to understand the dance they are performing, but expertly manage every movement that their feet makes. A carelessly heavy footfall will interrupt the work in a far more conspicuous manner than in a simple dance. It usually takes weeks to perfect each step and motion - even more so when there are multiple performers. A percussive dancer usually sticks with a single stage throughout their career. Different stages may switch runes and regions, so it is important that a dancer is familiar with the stage they plan to use. In recent times, ever-bigger stages have been constructed which go beyond simple drum-like percussion to produce notes, adding a new layer of complexity to what was already a strenuous art form.
Item type
Musical Instrument
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