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Shipwrights Guild of Perryden

Historical Overview



  The slow, wide Timber is a natural route for lumber from the Murkmantle. Perryden's position at its mouth provides the city with an invaluable natural resource, both to sell on its own, or turn into ships. By the 400s AR, the Perryden shipyards were notable enough to receive contracts from House Reed, the most dominant maritime house in the region. This burgeoning industry became organised under the Shipwrights Guild.  


  While the shipbuilding industry in Perryden grew enough to necessitate a large guild in the early 400s, by the 450s it was booming. Competition between the houses of the Vinelands was at a high, and the Cask Wars were in full swing. These trade wars over wine export laws were a major blow to House Salis' authority, and a huge boon to the Shipwrights Guild by way of increased need for smuggling ships.
"Resembling an overturned ship hull, the Shipwrights Guild of Perryden has a fitting and commanding headquarters. Not only does it reflect their art, but is easily defensible in the face of occasional crackdowns." - Merchants' Roadmap of the Vinelands
The boom in shipbuilding saw the Guild construct their great hall, The Forecastle, just as the city seemed primed to expand. The very opportunities that gave Perryden and the guild such a chance to grow, gave the opportunity for conflict to tear them back down.  

Lyonel Takeover

  In 460 AR, House Perry fulfilled their obligations to House Braelea, and rose up against usurpers in the Hedge Wars. Perryden was eventually besieged, sacked, and taken by House Lyonel. A new house, created for a Free Company lieutenant to reward him for his service, the Lyonels started with a tight grip on the city.   Many of the notable Perryden families fled south to Acornmill, leaving a vacuum. Stepping into that was the guild, sheltering refugees in the Forecastle. As the Lyonels began to pivot to a more hands off strategy, they allowed the first rostele, a local elected council, to take place in the Forecastle. Eventually, this evolved into the citywide system of aldermen and wards. However, the guild's early role in preserving the city gave them a key political position, and they have consistently been leaders on the rostele.
Founding Date
circa 400 AR
Guild, Craftsmen
Controlled Territories

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