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The Forecastle

Historical Overview



  Since Anhara's early history, Perryden has been one of the most important shipyards on Lake Salis. Located at the mouth of the slow, winding Timber, Perryden has easy access to high quality lumber floated down from the Murkmantle. Even before growing into a prominent hub for trade with the Eastmarches, Perryden was proud first-and-foremost of their shipyards.   Organising the craft was the Shipwrights Guild of Perryden, a group which eventually grew to be a powerful political, military, and economic force. Trade on the lake picked up in the late Age of Rule, as House Reed began to monopolise transit out of Lake Salis and into the sea. To cement this, House Reed ordered the construction of new ships at Perryden, incensing the Perry overlords, House Braelea.
"Resembling an overturned ship hull, the Shipwrights Guild of Perryden has a fitting and commanding headquarters. Not only does it reflect their art, but is easily defensible in the face of occasional crackdowns." - Merchants' Roadmap of the Vinelands
The inflow of contracts and noble attention allowed the guild to construct a fine new headquarters. At the time outside the city walls, on a gentle hill overlooking the river, they got to work on a great hall. Luckily, it was largely finished in time for the Siege of Perryden.  


  As the hall evolved from its ornately carved base, and grew into the part-workshop, part-fortification it is now, it became known as the Forecastle. This play on words for its defensive nature has seen practical application many times, especially during the early days of House Lyonel's takeover. Then, the Shipwrights played a key role, filling the vacuum of leadership created when many of the city's most prominent families fled south.
"Thirteen sworn and badged brothers here fell, the sole wall betwixt our people and the hordes of sellsword pretenders." - A plaque in a corner of the workshop yards
The Forecastle was used to shelter locals under threat for resisting the Lyonels, as well as producing some weapons to help the Shipwrights themselves fend off the Free Company. Eventually, it hosted the first meeting of the local rostele, a city council of sorts. From that point on, a detente was reached with House Lyonel, leaving the Shipwrights Guild to themselves.  


  What began as an overturned ship's hull, intricately carved with detail, has spiralled into a defensive fortification and outer buildings. The main hall itself today hosts the dining and meeting space of the Guild, used both for ceremony and daily function. Its exterior is carved with traditional Anharan sea myths, and inside comfortably decorated with tapestries, fireplaces, carpets, and heirlooms acquired over centuries, creating a warm and intimate space.
"Above the corners of the thick, wooden double doors, are motifs of storm petrels, one for each guild brother who died defending the Hall." - Merchants' Roadmap of the Vinelands
The main hall has been reinforced, and slightly raised to accommodate, a strong, stone base. With squat towers on the four corners, and two watch towers rising like masts, the hilltop hall commands a powerful view of the city and harbor. Stone walls spread out, forming snaking paths one must walk to approach the main entrance. In the south and to the east spread yards, forges, and other structures needed for the craft.
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