BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

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"Any magic user already has an intuitive understanding of the currents of mah'jick, they've just not all been made aware of the processes happening when they utilize it."   - Marora Ambershake (Arcanist)     Mah'jick flows through Wyrloria and the rest of its universe much like you would expect air to flow in wind currents, but in other ways like you would expect water to flow through a river. Mah'jick flows through objects, weaving in and out of our dimension as if it were to follow a groove that has been embedded within a fourth dimension of spatial direction. While the energy cannot be directly seen by the eye, it can be detected by those who are well attuned with mah'jick. Anytime a spell is cast, that user is calling upon channels of mah'jick, creating an alternative path of least resistance for the energy, allowing those slipstreams to redirect themselves through the user.   Mah'jick has been around as long as anything else in the universe. It's what is said to bring life to the matter, some philosophers of the world even argue that mah'jick is what separates mind from body, although others may argue that mah'jick is what ties mind and body into one unified entity. Regardless of its true nature, it is clear that all living beings, magical and non-magical alike, benefit from this relationship between matter and mah'jick. For example, it is an ancient healing practice of the wood elves of Eastern Tyrvakar to treat their sick and injured in medical camps established upon reservoirs of mah'jick, and to great effect too. It is believed by shamans all over that these potent currents of mah'jick breathe life into the matter of our bodies.   It is still a mystery to the denizens of Wyrloria as to what exactly causes these mah'jick reservoirs to stay replenished. They're regarded to much like reservoirs atop a tall mountain, releasing spring water down the steep slopes of the mountain. Where water is "falling" down a path of least resistance to reach the bottom, mah'jick too is "falling" towards some sort of end point. However, these end points are not able to be traced from our dimension, as if the mah'jick is falling along this fourth axis, its end point is far beyond the reach of us in our static slice of this fourth dimension.   When mah'jick dips beyond our point of observation, it seems rational to believe that it is moving onto one of many planes of existence, each plane of existence stacked on top of the other along this fourth dimension. Therefore, because this current of mah'jick is sized in not just three directions, but along this fourth direction as well, a stream of mah'jick can exist in multiple planes at once. The exact "hierarchy" of these planes is unknown, that is it to say, when mah'jick flows out of our plane, we do not know to which plane it flows next, or beyond that, as these streams have never been extensively mapped, especially outside our own plane. As these reservoirs appear to rest at least somewhat within our plane, it is assumed that we reside either at the top or near the top. If there are other planes above ours, then we would only be seeing the deepest of these reservoirs. Of course words like "above" and "deep" are used as measurements along this fourth spatial direction, and not along our traditional up-down axis that you might imagine.

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