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Jorhan's Crest

        Founded as an official pirate hold by Corvus Corax in 9794 AOB.   Largest Port in the Dineesra Coast, considered it’s “capital” and main year-round settlement (population ~5,000)   Located on the southeastern most tip of the Dineesra Coast.   The city consists of numerous wood structures built upon the half-ruined remains of an expansive ancient Remnants fortress.   Jorhan's Crest supports nearly any trade associated with the sea. There are shipwrights and a yard, with a dry dock able to bear nearly any seagoing vessel.   Coopers (barrel-makers) and stevedores (cargo-handlers) repackage ill-gotten cargo and move it to more legitimatelyflagged vessels for fencing in the other ports of the Inner Sea. Warehouses provide temporary storage for the goods, while moneychangers and usurers manage the huge sums which the pirate trade brings in.   Since it is essentially a town of freemen, power is law. And Captain Corax's power is unquestioned, or at least, not questioned for long.  

Law (Corax's code):

  A code of conduct reputedly set down by Corvus Corax himself. Although various individuals vary in the exact wording and intent of the code, the following elements are common:
  • The city of Jorhan's Crest shall be open to all pirates, so long as they do not prey on other pirates (this effectively bars the privateers).
  • Only worship to Poseidon is allowed
  • In time of war or attack, everyone in the Crest must fight for its defense. Every man must be trained to fight, and must maintain his own weapon (this has been extended to women and even children over the years).
  • When pirate captains fight, they must do so outside the Crest, as the Crest is more important than any one captain (this was originally intended to protect the Crest from intrigue and civil war, and is mostly honored in the breach).


Jorhan's Crest Town Map

The Harbour

Protected, breakrocks, harbour chain, capacity 150 ships. At any given time usually has between 20 and 60 ships beached, docked, or in dry-dock for repairs.  

Raven's Fortress

Point for the coordination of the defenses Large fortress set 80 feet high in the cliff along the western side of the harbour entrance. 4 Thayan bombards which can fire at any angle between 120 and 480 yards from the top of Raven's Fortress. Location for the Seathrone and Corax’s Hall, the seat of power for the Pirate King’s of old and place where the Trident Court is held. The first level Great Hall serves as a main trading post for Jorhan's Crest as well.  

The Pit

Part bar, part brothel, part gladiatorial arena. A circular blood-stained sand pit surrounded by wooded bleachers. Wenches and prostitutes serve a grog to roaring crowds. Owned and operated by Pirate Lord Teldar  


Here, the shipwrights and dry docks are able to bear nearly any seagoing vessel. Coopers (barrel-makers) and stevedores (cargo-handlers) repackage ill-gotten cargo and move it to more legitimately flagged vessels for fencing in the other ports of the Inner Sea. Warehouses provide temporary storage for the goods, while moneychangers and usurers manage the huge sums which the pirate trade brings in.  

The Creaking Cutlass

Small, poor fair, strong drinks, no lodging A rickety one story tavern which hangs perilously over the water on a creaking wood deck. Owned by Jomo Stormbreaker a former pirate. After a couple of Jomo’s strong drinks most patrons swear they’re on the deck of a ship.  

Temple of Poseidon

The only worship allowed within the Crest is to Poseidon. Followers of other Gods are welome here, but not allowed to openly worship.  

Faction The Alliance of Black Sails
Ruler Corvus Corax

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