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Kingdom of the Forge

The Kingdom of the Forge was once three distinct regions, The Autumn Wood, The Valley of Kings and the Realm of Tynn. The Knights of the Forge bound the three into the Kingdom when the were founded, and claimed it as their Holy Realm.   The Autumn Wood covers the North West side of the Kingdom in perpetual autumn, its orange and brown trees keep their colour year round. At its center stands the Red Mountain, fabled home of Alragor the Red Dragon.   Splitting the land is the Regal Range of mountains. On its East lies the Valley of Kings, a beautiful valley of the same trees of autumn, and surrounded by wildflowers. Said to have been the ancient home of the Kings in the Age of Darkness, this idylic valley has recently seen its first settlement built, the village of Dolwyn lays on the banks of the river Jotan, winding its way down to the Bor'had Lake.   Bor'had Lake contains the Island of Academics, and University city of Kalderin, claimed to be the home of all learning in Wyrmfell.   The south of the Kingdom is the Realm of Tynn, a lush land, of great farmlands, and a giant forest, home of the ancient Elven City of Yémori.   At the center of all this lies Sunder's Forge, Capital of the Kingdom, and the Holy City of the Knights of the Forge.

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