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The Umbra Domain

The Umbra Domain is all that remains of the once great Oroban Empire. After last Emperor of the Oroban Empire runied most of his lands using a great magic ritual the northern part of the empire was destroyed, leaving the lands black, and unable to grow even the hardiest of plants. The southern parts of the lands have become the Umbra Domain, now ruled by more sensible men, they have not forgotten the power their ancestors held, and are keen to get it back.

The Shadow Lord and Shadow Council:

  Known as the Shadowlords, these enigmatic figures are the hereditary monarchs of the domain, believed to be descendants of a legendary line of ancient kings and queens.
  The current Shadowlord is known by the title of Shadowlord Demontfort, a wise and formidable ruler who commands respect and loyalty from his subjects. Like his predecessors, Shadowlord Valerius is said to possess a keen intellect, a strong sense of honor, and a deep connection to the traditions and values of the Umbra Domain. The Shadowlords are not mere figureheads but play an active role in the governance and administration of the domain.
  They preside over the Council of Shadows, a group of advisors and nobles who help to shape policy and make decisions on behalf of the domain. Shadowlord Demontfort is known for his fairness and diplomacy, often seeking consensus among his council before making important rulings.
  The rulers of the Umbra Domain are also seen as spiritual leaders, with a connection to the ancient gods and the mystical forces that are said to shape the world of Wyrmfell. They oversee religious ceremonies and rituals, ensuring that the domain remains in harmony with the divine will.
  Despite their exalted status, the Shadowlords are not above criticism or challenge. They are expected to rule with integrity and justice, and any sign of corruption or tyranny is met with swift and decisive action by the people of Umbra. Overall, the rulers of the Umbra Domain are a source of stability and guidance for their people, upholding the traditions of the past while guiding the domain into the future. They are seen as symbols of authority and wisdom, embodying the spirit of the Umbra Domain and its proud and noble heritage.
Capital Umbra
Leader Lord Simon Demontfort

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