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Adamantine Horse of Xarn

D&D 4e Dungeon Master's Guide 2

Adamantine Horse of Xarn



HP 105 Initiative +4 Perception +10 Speed 8 Darkvision, 30ft   Alignment: Good Languages: Understands Common, Draconic, Supernal   Str 23 (+9) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 14 (+5) Con 25 (+10) Int 3 (-1) Cha 10 (+3)  


Adamantine Charge (mount) Requirement: While mounted by a friendly rider of 7th level or higher. Effect: The Adamantine Horse grants its rider 10 extra damage on charge attacks.  

Standard Actions

Kick Attack: Melee 1 (one creature +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage.   Trample The Adamantine Horse of Xarn can move up to its speed and enter enemies’ spaces. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the warhorse must end its move in an unoccupied space. When it enters an enemy’s space, the warhorse makes a trample attack.   Attack: Melee 0 (enemy in entered space +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage, and the target is knocked prone.

At first glance, this artifact appears as an adamantine plate-barded warhorse of a particularly powerful build, but further inspection reveals that the entire horse is made of metal and is powered by gears and hidden arcane devices. Due to the genius of its craftsmanship, its noble form moves naturally despite its unyielding material.
Unlike most other artifacts which are held, worn, or wielded, the Adamantine Horse of Xarn is meant to be ridden. The artifact is coveted by warriors to serve the cause of good and who struggle against greed, injustice, and destruction.

Tales say that the Adamantine Horse was found in the wild by the legendary dragonslayer Xarn. Its exact creator is unknown, but it appears that it is made of some very rudimentary Kinetic Engines.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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