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Credit to Eric Merchant   Level 5 Half-Orc Rogue   As a baby Gurt was found on the doorstep of a farmer near the city of Shee-ago. Was raised by that farmer and his wife Catherin. Their home was known as a sort of orphanage house. Gurt grew up with 2 brothers and a sister all adopted by the farming household.   Gurt grew rapidly and became extremely strong working on the farm. At the age of 11 when the family oxen died Gurt took over the gruelling job of pulling the cart of vegetables into market. It became a regular thing for Gurt to pull the wagon across town and back making deliveries to the regular customers. Any remaining foodstuffs were haggled away at the market square to passer-bys. Gurt generally had to hide behind the cart to avoid potential customers being scared away by his imposing visage. The scare potential doubled as security though, turning away many potential thieves and ruffians. It was incredibly boring doing this day in and day out. Waiting for the farmer to get rid of all of their food. Hearing the farmer say the same things over and over.   Gurt often wondered how the farmer could spend his whole life doing this. How could you live like this? He would sometimes fantasize about the next time someone would try to steal from there cart or when someone would try to take advantage of the farmer and Gurt would have to step in. In those moments he really felt alive. Not knowing what was going to happen next. Not knowing if the other person would fight or flee (usually fled, Gurt was quite imposing)   When he was 15 and at the market square one day after delivering to the regular customers and waiting for the farmer to be done selling the rest of the harvest, he saw a pair of darkly robed figures scaling the side of a building in a nearby alley. They did it with such speed and grace that it captured Gurt's attention. The robed figures made it over the top of the building just in time for a pair of guards to come running up and around the corner, obviously looking for them. Watching this unfold gave him the feeling of suspense that he longed for.   From that point on he looked forward to going to the market. One day while at the market again waiting for the farmer to finish saying his bit repeatedly Gurt saw the dark robed figures again. This time they were standing by a door a ways a way. Gurt couldn't make out what they were doing but it looked like they were just hanging out.   • Walked in on robed figures while they were looting a place. Scared off a pair of guards that were about to arrest the robed figures • The robed figures told Gurt to come find them two nights from then • Gurt snuck out that night to go find the robed figures • Was accepted into the thieves guild in that city • Trained by Darren the rogue as a rogue • Helped them do some illegal stuff • Some months later Gurt fumbled up and drew some attention from the guards • Later that evening Darren told Gurt that to expand his skills he needed to go to some other cities and explore some other cultures. Darren then told Gurt of Skye Gnarblers hidden treasure and that he could get on a boat in Angel's Harbour towards Tigerlily island.   Gurt is motivated by the feeling of danger. The rush adrenaline. To prove himself as the greatest rogue in the world. He is very partial and trusting to anyone that gives him food. Food was scarce at the farm dispite it being itself a farm. There wasnt always enough food to go around and the farmer split the food equally between everyone regardless of size or work done by the individual. His sister Mia would often give him her food because she was quite small and didn't need as much.   Gurt's greatest fear is to be not worth the food given to him. To be forgotten. To be worthless.   Last seen travelling from Tigerlily Island to Angel's Harbour after uncovering Skye Gnarbler's treasure.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dark brown eyes and brown skin, heavily tanned by the sun of many long days in the field. Bald Wears a lot of brown, black, and grey. Strongly avoids anything with red to avoid any association with the orc tribes in the area near the farm. Likes to keep his Leather armour on if possible (helps with making a quick get away, if necessary).
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