Kem'ware Geographic Location in Wyrring | World Anvil
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The site of one of Sylvia's worst disasters, Kem'ware is a barren wasteland surrounded by the lush forests of Dulra'ware.
  Near the end of The Second Estalian-Disorganized War, after Sylvia had entered in defence of their Clar'ware brethren, a group of Estalian soldiers entered the territory, hoping to complete some reconnaissance. Encountering a squad of The Rot Guard, the Estalian commander decided to light the forest on fire to prevent the elves from making use of their superior woodmanship skills. Although the Estalians were ultimately killed, the fire raged in the area for several days before being extinguished by an incoming storm.
  The place is considered sacred by the Southern Sylvia Elves, and it is meticulously maintained by the Rot Guard.
"You humans resign your histories to dust books left on shelves. Your lives are just too short - too insignificant - to even bother to learn from the mistakes of your ancestors.
  For us, our histories are both lived and living. I was there that day. When your fabled Silver Legion burnt  Dulra'ware just to smoke out a couple elves. I remember how their screams were deafened by the crackling of the fire and the sounds of the woods crying out in pain. This place is a scar upon my homeland, just as your people are a scourge upon yours.
  And so we keep this place the way it was. Every day I prune any plants which try to take root in the soil, and hunt any animal that seeks to create a nest. And we do this not for us, no. Our memories are far too well to forget. We keep it for the humans who dare venture into our woods as a reminder. A reminder that our anger is not so easily forgotten."
  • Sariel Windrun, Member of the Rot Guard
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