Lycera Hopital and Reorganization Character in Wyrring | World Anvil
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Lycera Hopital and Reorganization

Lycera Hopital is a famous artist in Estalian history, and had a large influence on the early Reformation.   As a half-elf born in the middle of Metis, Lycera was raised both encapsulated in and completely outside a traditional Estalian family. Her parents, both survivors of the Estalian-Disorganized Conflicts, raised her as true if an Estalian as they could. Despite this, her human compatriots could only see her fey heritage, which lead to her being shunned and bullied.   Despite this treatment, she was one of the first to sign up for the The First Estalian-Disorganized War as a member of the Silver Legion Auxillary. During which, she fought in several battles, including those against elves.   After the war, Lycera turned to art, where she typically with vivid watercolours, showing mundane scenes one would find throughout Metis, such as someone working, children playing in the street, or a bird resting on a clothesline. Her most famous work, entitled "Early Morning", shows a tiefling mother in her kitchen making a very traditional Estalian pastry.   Many years after her death, some of her art was purchased by an art collector, which catapulted her success. Despite this popularity, Lycera died in near poverty, and her family did not receive any profits from her work   Art historians point to her work as a prime demonstration of "Reorganization". The Reorganization movement in Estalia reached it's peak shortly after the First Estalian-Disorganized War. With many military units forced to have both humans and non-humans, as well as relaxed hiring policies during the war, many human Estalians became familiar and comfortable around their non-human counterparts. As many non-human families made the conscious decision during the Estalian-Disorganized Conflicts to forgoe their previous cultures and to instead entirely adopt Estalian culture, the additional interactions showed that they behaved identically to any other Estalian. This lead to a substantial decrease in hostilities between human and non-human Estalians, with the presense of non-humans becoming more mundane in everyday life.


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