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A species of intelligent pacifistic fungi creatures.   Physical Description Ranging anywhere from 4 to 6 feet Myconids are brightly coloured fungi creatures who come in all shapes and sizes.Their physical features vary greatly from circle to circle and even within the circles themselves. The inside of a myconid has a soft texture similar to that of a mushroom however their bones are near the surface, and are hard and have a seemingly metallic feel. Because of their fungi origins myconids are very light, however, their endoskeleton does contribute something and they are usually between 20-30 pounds (9 to 14 kg) Though they are of a similar height to humans they are slow to move, however, their tough natural hide makes up for the disadvantage. All myconids have an aversion to sunlight and most do not wear clothes.   History Not much is known about myconid history as it is passed down telepathically from generation to generation, and not generally shared with outsiders.   Society Myconids live in the underdark in various colonies called circles, a circle consists of twenty or more myconids who live together work together and meld together. A meld is usually presided over by a sovereign which is the largest in the myconid colony. A sovereign can preside over multiple circles. myconids are intelligent fungi who seek enlightenment and deplore violence. When approached peacefully myconids will very happily allow safe passage provide shelter and give advice about the surrounding area. Most time spent in a circle is devoted to melding. A meld is a form of communal meditation in which myconids are able to transcend their boring underground existence. The myconids have special spores called rapport spores which are used to communicate telepathically. During a meld, they use these spores to bind into a group consciousness. Hallucinogenic spores are then introduced to create a shared dream which provides social interaction and entertainment. Many myconids consider this to be the sole purpose of their existence. They meld in pursuit of collective union spiritual apotheosis and higher consciousness. Myconids reproduce through carefully controlled sporing so as to not overpopulate the colony.   Myconids in Wyrring
Myconid circles can be found throughout the Underdark, with them being more common in the Upperdark than the Lowerdark.   Myconid Names
Myconids do not identify as one sex or the other and thus do not have male or female names. Because myconids usually communicate telepathically, they do not have names for each other, however, members of other races who are not as fond of telepathic communication will give names to their myconid friends. Thus nicknames vary greatly   Source:

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Names: Jamar, Marly, Hendrix, Jenika, Manson, Psyllie, Psybie.


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