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Outlook is the only "town" in the Clarenware Woods, and consists of only a handful of huts in a clearing. Most of the residents are local elves, some of which have been displaced by Estalian activities on the north side of the Yaltri River.   Outlook was originally established as a summer hunting camp by a group of wealthy Aedians. Upon returning to the camp one summer, they found it occupied by a group of elf refugees. By chance, a member of the Aedian Royal family was present, who, touched by the plight of the elves, declared the camp a refuge. Supplies were arranged and sent, and over time, the population grew steadily.   Those with scholarly pursuits have noted that Outlook is arranged almost as a microcosm of Sylvia. The small collection of buildings serves the same function of the northern cities - such as Port Narvalis - as a place for gatherings and diplomacy. Most of the "living" is done outside the clearing within the woods.   Outlook has no governing body, and they mostly respect the laws of Aedia.  
"Look, I get that they're elves and they damn-near travel the length of the [Clarenware] woods regularly, but is it to much to ask for them to keep a schedule for the elections? I always have to stay at least a month waiting for stragglers to trickle in, living in a lean-to in what can feel like a ghost town. Don't get me wrong, the woods are absolutely lovely, and I'm sure the elves appreciate the quiet, but I'm far more one for the streets of Gresh."
- Damien Hogwash, 
Outpost / Base
Owning Organization


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