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Despite its short time of service, the Quickbow has proven itself an effective weapon for those living outside the the immediate reach of the law. It initially appears like a modified crossbow, with machinery placed in it's undercarriage. Officially known as the "Quick Draw Crossbow", the Quickbow makes use of a gearbox and Kinetic Engine to automatically draw back and set the bowstring. Manual placement of the bolts is still necessary, although some Enginists are working on further modifications to address this.   Private quickbow ownership is primarily in the rural areas of Estalia and Aedan, where it is primarily used to defend farmsteads from Raiders from The Barrens or the Devil's Teeth Range.   In Aedan and the Summer Shores, Quickbows can be purchased at many weapons shops. Estalian Quickbows cannot be bought, but one can apply for a government-supplied one. Estalians can expect a months long process including several forms, training courses, evaluations, and registrations.   A smaller version of the Quickbow is also produced, known as the Fastbow. This variation can be handled with one hand, is easily concealed, and is typically used by members of the House of Order. Fastbows can be acquired in Aedan and the Summer Shores wherever one can purchase quickbows, while fastbows are banned in Estalian with exception to specially registered public servants.  





Ammunition, Loading, Two-Handed

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d12 Piercing 40/120

Cost: 500gp
Weight: 10lb






Ammunition, Loading

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d10 Piercing 30/90

Cost: 300gp
Weight: 3lb


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