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The Night of The Second Sun

The elves of Sylvia tell an ancient tale of a night which had two sunsets.  
"Long before our people rested below the branches of Dulra, Silvain, the lord of the hunt, held a hunt for Elara, Diantha's Keeper. For several days he tracked the whale through a massive sea, far larger than The Brightwater we know today. His prey would rise to the surface in the evening, and drop down to the depths of the ocean during the rest of the day and night. Silvain would wait at the water's edge every day at evening, waiting for Elara to arise, but every day he would miss, and return to his campfire empty-handed.   One day, Silvain came up with a clever plan. That night, after the sun had set, he used his powers to create a massive ball of light, tricking Elara into rising into the surfce twice in one day. Elara breached the surface, and Silvain pierced the beast's heart with his bow.   Elara fell into the ocean with such a crash, that a large wave swept across the land, wiping out many elf villages and peoples. Elara sucked up so much water in it's struggle, whole lands, including Dulra'ware, Estalia, and Aedan. Despite the damage, Elara managed to escape.
The mages of The Grand College and the scholars of Estalia tell a slightly different story. Inspired by the ancient tale, and through a significant amount of geological studies, they believe that this story tells of a meteor impact which formed the Bay of Streams.


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Aug 7, 2024 02:10 by Paul

Love me an event with alternate explanations. So, this bow, where is it? Could it be found? Is it a legendary relic?

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