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Xarn's Blade


Xarn's Blade


Legendary Requires Attunement

A legendary blade, believed to once have been wielded by Xarn the Dragonslayer. The blade itself is damaged, believed to have been split in half during Xarn's last battle, and the two pieces are separately held in Estalia and Aedia. If the blade is reforged, it will have the following effects:   +3 Greatsword.
  The blade includes 6 empty "cartridges". By spending 1 hour meditating with one of the cartridges and spending a spell slot, the cartridge can be imbued with some of the magical energy. This spell slot cannot be regained until the cartridge has been expended. As a minor action, one of the imbued cartridges can be placed into the sword, which will then take on an aspect related to the expended spell slot. After completing the meditation, the character meditating over the cartridge choses the type of damage (from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder) and how the magic will manifest itself. The aspect lasts for 1 minute, during which melee attacks with Xarn's Blade deal an additional 1d6 of the chosen damage type for each level of the expended spell slot. Once the cartridge has been used, or if the cartridge has not been used within 7 days of the meditation, the magic within it fades, and the expended spell slot can be recovered as normal.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 2d6 None 5 ft

Weight: 6 lb

Item type
Weapon, Melee


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