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Gialloluz Borealis

Bredan Picnic by aitubo

The Gialloluz1 Borealis is a celestial phenomenon that happens once a year on Bredan, which is the celebration of the birth of Brelynnia, goddess of light. Its occurrence is believed to mark the moment that her light came into the world. Every year, on the 25th day of Bree, the Gialloluz Borealis can be seen all across X'anthia from exactly 10:00 PM until 11:59 PM. Midnight marks the beginning of Stridan on the 1st day of Strigolt, and at the Evdem de'Iluntasuna every light in the sky including the Gialloluz Borealis is extinguished for exactly one minute. It is said that this total absence of light is a demonstration of the moment that Striadgolt, god of darkness, was born.
Bredan and Stridan both occur within the mid-winter festival, Kaltsonnenwende2, which translates to cold-solstice. At midnight on Bree 25th, participants of Kaltsonnenwende light a candle in the tallest window of their home. Some people use Sonnenwende Stones to avoid the risk of fire or having to wake up in the middle of the night to light a candle. This light should burn in that window the entire day, right up until Evdem de'Iluntasuna. At 9:59 PM all other lights are extinguished and it is a common custom in many cultures to picnic with friends and family while viewing the breathtaking light show. Any lights still lit at the point of Evdem de'Iluntasuna are immediately extinguished at this point, and people generally observe the moment of darkness in silent reflection.

Bredan Family Picnic by aitubo

Bredan Celebration by aitubo

Of course, it is never necessary for one to observe any of the holidays associated with this event to enjoy the Gialloluz Borealis, nor is it necessary to have a picnic. It is unclear how this tradition began since the holiday falls in the middle of winter, but the borealis is best viewed outdoors, so logic would dictate that played a large factor in the formation of the tradition.
Brelynnia, Goddess of Light by Anna Omis

The Gialloluz Borealis is believed to be the illumination that the goddess Brelynnia brought to the world with her birth.
Related Events:
Evdem de'Iluntasuna3

Related Items:
Sonnenwende Stone

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Cover image: by aitubo


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