The Prime Tribunal

This organization has been around since the creation of Xalinar. These entities are tasked to guard the entrances to the prime planes. Ethos tasked them to keep the entrances since the beginning of time. There are 8 factions of The Prime Tribunal. Fire, Ice, Water, Light, Darkness, Earth, Wind, Thunder. Each faction is composed of many members. The 13 heads of each faction compose of The Prime Inquisition.


  • The Prime Tribunal -
  • 1) The Prime Inquisitor 2) The Prime Inquisition 3) The Prime Factions

    Public Agenda

    The agenda of the organization is to protect the entrances to the prime planes. Pure creation power flows unchecked in the prime planes. If the gates were to be opened fully, the planet would be destroyed and recreated by Ethos himself.


    The organization has vast amounts of gemstones, residuum, and other materials. Many members can simply create materials from other materials. Transmution magic is a specialty of theirs.

    Living or not, all is constructed by elements.


    • Elementals Maw
    • Nemaria (Dalraeshi 3rd Age)
    • Temple of Elements - Chromatic
    Founding Date
    Alternative Names
    The Prime
    Leader Title
    Family Leader
    Notable Members


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