
(Original dragon word "DÆGAN", transcribed as "Daegan", altered over time to "Dragon)     Buried deep beneath the earth, in forgotten caverns and ancient mausoleums, the dragons lie in eternal rest. Once the rulers of the land that Humans now call Wexe, of these majestic beasts only bones now remain. Their "Infinite Empire" was more finite than they believed.   Yet their legacy remains. The remnants of their civilisation can still be found submerged in peat beds and in the depths of the cold lochs. Heaps of dragon wrought Scale-Bronze artifacts can be found all over the Wexan Isles, marred only by superficial corrosion.   Not all of a dead dragon is lost to the decaying ravages of time. Some aspect of their minds and souls remain in the form of Dragon Fragments which roam the night skies as ghostly aurorae. Some scholars hypothesize that starry Zodiacal Tar is formed from ancient dragon burial grounds, but the lack of dragon bones in such tar pits brings this view into question.   However, some people don't believe that all dragons are truly dead...    

Beasts of Majesty and of Bone

  Only a handful of dragon skeletons have been discovered. Though superficially similar to the giant lizards whose ossified bones can be found in certain rock strata along the southern Wexan coast, it is clear that dragons were very different creatures to any other creature found extant. For example, dragon skulls possess an enlarged cranium containing an oversized brain cavity, some but not all have additional eye sockets, and their feet have six digits each with the two outermost appearing to be opposable like thumbs. It was once believed that the diminutive Kobolds are the dragons' distant descendents, however the myriad anatomical difference between the two species, such as only having four digits on their hands and feet, as well as the kobolds' chronic lack of intelligence, easily disprove this.   The raw power and incredible wealth of knowledge that the ancient dragons possessed is of great interest to scholars, and to Warlocks in particular. Two separate Clades of Warlocks seek out dragon bones wherever they can be found, for two very different purposes. The Brotherhood of the Idol seek to use the teachings of Slepp the Idol to raise dragons as Undead. The Brotherhood of Majesty seek to use their misguided worship of the Dragon Fragments to become new incarnations of dragons themselves.   Whether or not either of these goals is actually achievable remains to be seen...


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