Steel Witch

The Steel Witches of Wexe form an integral part of the Legions of Doom, and are the counterpart to the more numerous Warlocks. It is unknown what bargain Xaph struck with them to bring them into his employ, but their skill with Herbcraft, Hexcraft, and Enchantments make them an indispensable supporting force within the Legions of Doom.   Their robes and overcoats are embroidered with intricate patterns in threads of copper and silver, and their heavy hats are reinforced with steel struts that maintain their pointed shape even when bumped against doorways and low ceilings. Even their boots are inlaid with metal, as dropping an iron cauldron on your toes is considered to be unwise and very painful.   Although physically weak and fragile, the Steel Witches are a practical sort who are not above getting their hands dirty. They are of the opinion that if something should be done right, then it should be done themselves. More than one witch hunter laden with magic dampening enchantments have met their end to a steak knife hidden up a witch's sleeve.   The Steel Witches are distributed throughout Xaph's Citadel and the various parts of Wexe that the Legions of Doom operate in. They are most densely concentrated in the labyrinthine Rust Warrens, where they tend the secret arcane smithies that forge the enchanted chains that bind Wraiths to the world.    



Ash Downs Coven

  The rolling chalk hills of the Ash Downs are the home of this Coven. It is rumoured that they have considerable influence over the Lord of the Ash Downs Manor estate, and were instrumental in instigating the treason there.    

Ausness Coven

  Hailing from the coastal woodlands surrounding the fishing town of Ausness on the west Wexan coast. They have a deep animosity towards the Witches of the Squall Islands just over the sea.    

Canteford Coven

  The town of Canteford in central Wexe is quiet and peaceful place, and the Witches of the surrounding area are of a similarly cool and collected character.    

Squall Islands Coven

  Although the members of the Sisterhood of the Choir are frequently called "Sea Witches", this is incorrect. They are in fact Warlocks and have few similarities with the Steel Witches. Nevertheless, the Steel Witches do maintain a coven in the rain swept Squall Islands off of the far western Wexan coast, though what exactly they do out there is a mystery even to the other Covens.    

Swaithorpe Coven

  The Witches of this Coven embody the craggy black stone ridges of Swaithorpe in northern Wexe. The winters there are harsh, but like the black stones these elderly Witches will endure.


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