Undead Constructs


Miscellaneous Constructs

  A motley collection of weird and wonderful creations dreamt up by a particularly insane Warlock, likely of the Brotherhood of the Abyssal. They serve little to no purpose within the Legions of doom, and exist as little more than curiosities.    

Brain Worm

  It's a worm, made from brains. Originally created by a Warlock who wanted someone else to think for him and inspired by the large and dangerous Bone Worms, the first Brain worm apparently was quite successful in its role. Unfortunately, it was quickly eaten by a passing zombie, whose favourite snack is brains.   More are occasionally created, usually from left-over material from the creation of Candleskulls, and most of them eventually end up as zombie snacks. It is unknown what they're thinking of at any given time.


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