Kaians Species in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Kaians (Kai-ins)

The Kaians are one of many alien races in the universe to have joined their global political forces to become one of the many space-faring Global Unions within the galaxy. They are a slightly aquatic race, that is classified as amphibians.   Appearence-wise, Kaians are often described as having a half-lizard, half-humanoid silhouette. They have also been noted to have two eyes both above and below a mouth located in the middle of their faces. Rather than having hands with a palm on it, their main humanoid arms branch off to four long webbed fingers at the wrist. They are mainly colored in various shades of purple and red and have surprisingly dry skin, unlike Earthen amphibians such as frogs.   Kaians, in general, are known to be mischievous and hence, playing pranks on locals and tourists alike is not only common but even part of tradition on most holidays. They are generally excellent pranksters and in this regard, can be closely compared to the Earthen birds known as Keas. It's safe to say that if Kaians met sentient Keas, there would be water buckets placed on every slightly open door and millions of houses and cars getting egged every night.   In terms of diet and eating habits, they are omnivorous. They commonly domesticate sea plants and small animals for their consumption, creating their own versions of agriculture and livestock. Plants and animals are often eaten raw as well, which has caused Kaians to develop a strong immunity to diseases such as salmonella and harmful bacteria that would otherwise be found in Kaian meats when consumed raw.   The political status of the Kaians after the Unionization of the planet resulted in a communist planet to more easily split resources between the large groups of citizens under the rule of a small group. This system of governmental control does not work for the Kaians because of their typically spiteful and sometimes straight-up inconsiderate nature and hence, there is much political unrest on the planet. No rebellion has been known to be present on Kaiu likely due to their growing military presence.   Kaian technology is the type you would notice as "Futuristic", with flying cars and high technology all around in highly populated areas. In more rural areas, technology is not as present, but still widely used.   Kaians are a race teetering on the edge of average wealth, seemingly heading for a downward spiral into being poor. This contributes to the rising tensions on the planet.   The Kaian Military is also weak, although it could be worse. This is likely due to the lack of funds, but there does appear to be a small rise in improvements in military strength, suggesting the lack of funds may be because of military research.  
Kaians do not believe in any religion and religious practices there are not exactly encouraged. Holidays are based on historical events rather than religious ones.
Kaians often live in large clean cities with many suburbs and rural areas surrounding them. These settlements have become very sleek in design, following a very Cyberminimalist aesthetic. Many large settlements are in air bubbles underwater or have expanded upwards so much that they stick out of the water. However, due to the planetary financial problems, many inhabitants are migrating towards land in fear that the intense waves and currents of the sea will tear apart their cities if funding for them isn't kept high.
While there have been no public-access spaceships, Kaians have been prioritizing space travel as per the purpose of the planet's unionization. While Kaian-Made vessels of space transport do exist, a majority of vessels available were gifted to them by more advanced species such as Humans and Nixians . Space travel, as of the present, is only accessible to those who the Union leaders have determined have worked hard enough to earn a spaceship of their own.
Unfortunately, no citizen of Kaiu is legally allowed to resign citizenship as the Union Leaders have decreed that in their current time of crisis, all involved in the Union must stay as part of it for a better chance of survival.

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