Kamblekian Lifeforms in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Kamblekian Lifeforms

Being a lifeform living on a gas planet may seem difficult, but the lifeforms of Klambek make do with what they have.   Spanning about 200 different species and counting, Klambek is commonly nicknamed the Home of the Carnivores over the fact that Klambek houses no plant life, making all Klambekian lifeforms carnivorous.   Many lifeforms are described to be giant versions of water bears, seahorses, and whales. Some even find it easier to describe many of them as some form of giant cross between water bears and small rodents such as hamsters. Many appear to have dark reddish undersides with a lighter upper half, which is a huge help to them given all species on Klambek live in an eat-or-be-eaten world.   Visitors and Explorers would describe the local life as violent and hostile. Mindless creatures whose instinct is to eat and destroy anything that moves. These creatures, therefore, make Klambek a very unpopular tourist sight.

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