Paradixies in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Paradixies are one of the two native sapient species of Paradixa. They are roughly around 4 to 5 feet (1.21 to 1.5 Meters) in height and are very similar to anthropomorphic macaws. They are covered in feathers and have wings with 6-fingered hands attached at the ends. Paradixies are capable of flight and hence have much stronger upper bodies than lower bodies as they usually learn how to fly first before they learn how to walk.   Paradixies are highly advanced technologically and have explored every inch of their planet thanks to the constant visitors and immigrants to Paradixa.   Paradixies are naturally very peaceful and have very "traditional" standards when it comes to romance. They typically aren't very social except when they need to be, such as for the purpose of starting families or for serious matters such as political gatherings. (This does not go for every Paradixie, but you should know that since generalizations never apply to the entire group.)   Paradixies, after unionizing their planet, became a democracy. To keep things easy to manage, the democratic system works more like an oligarchy, where there are five representatives of each area of the planet who count the area's votes, add up the votes, and then share the numbers with the other representatives where a council of mathematicians add up all of the numbers and determine the winning vote. Laws and Representatives are chosen and rejected based on these votes.   Paradixies are a very wealthy species, thanks to the money tourists and vacationers give to their economy. This allows for comfortable and affordable living even in the cheapest of places, which in turn helps the economy grow.   The most ironic part of Paradixie society is that they have the strongest government in the entire galaxy. This is because, in the past, many greedy species tried to take over Paradixa to profit off of its luxuries, which made the Paradixies establish a law that all citizens there would be registered as part of the Paradixan Military, strengthening the overall bond and emotional attachment one has to their species and home planet. And with their advanced technology and extensive wealth, the numbers in military strength practically multiplied their strength as a union planet.

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