Vifu in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Vifu (Vih-fuu)

Vifu is the smaller cousin of Paradixa, having low gravity and little to no wind. It also has very little water in ratio to the amount of land, as the planet has more dry and barren areas of land than livable climates. This lack of water is sometimes used as an example to explain the rules of supply and demand. This is because the water of Vifu contains many microbes and minerals that not only give it its distinctive black color but also boost the overall strength of the body if consumed, much like fantasy health potions. Since there is not much Vifuran water available, it is extremely expensive to obtain and hence is a very precious resource Vifurans protect diligently.   Because of Vifu's mineral and microbe-dense environment, the life on the planet has very weak natural immune systems, since they naturally rely on the rich medicinal properties of what they consume, mainly in their water and the plant life that thrive from it. From these externally obtained immune systems, Vifuran life is unable to get sick or suffer long-term from infections. Rumor even has it that the Vaejus Solar Nova may have played a part in this advancement.

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