Ashmodai, "The Presence" Character in Xelestar | World Anvil
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Ashmodai, "The Presence"

This unfortunately also has a substantial amount of supporting evidence, as Ashmodai's appearance and introduction into Xelestar bears several similarities to Dragons of whom most tieflings claim ancestry. However, some of the more devout clergy of The Twelve Pillars of Creation state that the correlations between Tieflings and their capacity to turn to Ashmodai as a religous figure brings concern to the fact that they (and by extension, dragons) bear the same red skin, bat-like wings, horns, barbed tails, and mastery over fire magick that demons and Ashmodai himself possesses. While no one has been able to connect demons and dragons to a common ancestor, many believe them to be too similar to be unrelated (especially considering that Lord Aggrin Shireshelli and Corelli Shireshelli were capable of masquerading as mortal Drakari for centuries). Priests of Ashmodai will often state that this is simply because dragons were unable to hide their great magickal forms (especially from the recently emigrated Elvari people who were magick-sensitive), and that The Presence was simply existing as a refugee the only way he could.   Retellings from texts claiming to have successfully communed with Ashmodai describe him as being incredibly handsome yet imperceptibly tall, with great spiraling horns curling in many angles from the top of his tower-like form that fills you with intense vertigo and nausea when looked at directly. His cloak is often depicted as black and silk-like until it eventually fades into roiling shadow before reaching the ground. His horns are several shades of red and black while his skin is infant pink with blurry black veins throughout. Referred to by some as "The God of Desperation", it is believed that Ashmodai makes himself increasingly known to those wickedly hungry to escape their situations; sometimes even going so far as to manifest physically before those at the peak of their capacity to change everything about themselves. Paladins of The Twelve Pillars of Creation often devote their life to crushing Ashmodai's influence wherever it may appear, as they view it as objective acts of temptation and manipulation toward bargaining with the being most overcome by Void Hunger.   In recent years, some have even considered it necessary to amend Nascent Design to include tenets of direct opposition to fiends such as Ashmodai.

Divine Domains

  • Shadows
  • Lies
  • Subterfuge
  • Fire
  • Necromancy 
  • Patience


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