The Order of Dusk Organization in Xelestar | World Anvil
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The Order of Dusk

The Order of Dusk was a small, hyper-specialized group of Noctari soldiers, chosen from birth to become a squadron of super soldiers physically mutated by direct exposure to The Void. Immediately after birth, all dark elves are given a rigorous examination by a team of Noctari doctors and clergy to determine their natural athleticism and capacity for pain, before those deemed substantial enought to be members of The Order are then taken from their parents to join the military unit. This is seen as an extremely flattering honor to most Noctari parents, as it means they chose a partner so viable with themself that their union directly strengthens Velkorran. The Order of Dusk was constructed shortly after the second instance of The Dwarven Nurturing in which Feltremar moved to protect the Noctari people from invasion from Illyria. The governmental body of Velkorran met in the Dark Elf capital of Shatterstar and decided that their own protection must then either be taken into their own hands or brought directly to Lykora's doorstep as she is believed by most to be the creator of The Dark Star and, by extension, the Noctari.


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