The Red Virus Condition in Xelestar | World Anvil
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The Red Virus

A variant of The Red Wind created by Lord Aggrin Shireshelli capable of infecting the soul of a Sylvari rather than just the body of someone of Sylvari descent. However, Aggrin was unaware that King Ioji Hyoga actually planned to utilitize the virus to poison the Sylvari New God of Magick, Zol, believing the god's "soul" to be the secretly living Slyvari God of Magick Synor. Ioji intended to kill Synor (and by extemsion, Zol) using the Red Virus so that he may ascend as the True Sylvari God of Magick, believing Zol to be "overglorified camouflage". However, the negative effects of Zol's infection were short-lived as he was quickly coaxed back to sanity by Niamh Ronan who's essence was previously secretly extracted by Ioji to craft the "Unending Rage" component of the virus. Unfortunately, despite the brevity of the event, the catastrophes caused by The Red Virus only served to strengthen distrust toward Automata, and further push them (and Humans utilizing metal body parts) to the outskirts of society.


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