Walarian Design Tradition / Ritual in Xelestar | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Walarian Design

Walarian Design refers to the belief that one should attempt to live their life to the example(s) set forth by Walar ( and later, Wave). Believers of Walarian Design often reject the tenets of nasc, though this is not required by most Walarian sects. Followers of Walarian Design often believe Nascent Design to be too chaotic of a premise for a realistic mortal life, and instead believe Walariel to be the sole member of twelve that mortalkind should strive endlessly to be. This belief primarily stems from Walariel being the final-born of The Twelve and the chief deity over "justice" and "balance" leading most to believe that She is also the final judge over all conflicts of morality. While Nascent Design implies that one should seek to live their life equally to the standards set by each of The Twelve and The Nascency, themself, Walarian Design states that Walariel specifically is the perfect standard that mortal kind should strive to look toward and emulate.


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