Walariel Character in Xelestar | World Anvil
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"Mother of Twilight", "Lord of Balance", "The War-Harpy"

A member of The Twelve Pillars of Creation created by The Nascency to serve as an avatar of their will on Xelestar. Specifically Walariel is The Pillar of Penalty, charged with enacting divine retribution on Xelestar. It was initially believed to be of little to no consequence to Walariel whether or not the individuals affected by their acts were benefitted or slain but rather than balance was maintained. They were depicted to enforce the preservation of balance in Xelestar above all other things in Nascent Design.   Walariel is most often seen as an androgynous or feminine figure with many arms each bearing a different style of flaming sword. Additionally, Walariel's wings have been referred to as "uncountable" by Emperor Corelli Shireshelli following her appearance during the events of The Sunrise Coup, in which Walariel supported Shireshelli's endeavors to overthrow his father, Lord Aggrin Shireshelli.   More specifically, it was during this coup that Waverly Aulder, party member and future wife to Corelli, revealed the secret that she was actually Walariel in an assumed mortal form, deeming it a bigger priority to defeat the demonic dragon form Aggrin had taken to defend himself.


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