Army of Aspana

Military Unit serving the Kingdom of Aspana


The army of the Kingdom of Aspana was created many centuries ago, during the kingdom's founding. As the largest and one of the oldest established countries on the continent of Xenethia, Aspana has had ample time to perfect its army's tactics and structure. With its borders touching the Great Sea to the south and 50% of the kingdom consisting of large islands scattered along the shores into the sea, the army is always ready to defend against potential threats from both land and sea.  


The army of Aspana is divided into different units, each with its own specialities and training. The most notable units are the Arcana Research Department and the rumoured Black Ops Unit. The Arcana Research Department is responsible for researching and developing new magical technologies, while the Black Ops Unit handles missions that require a high degree of secrecy and discretion.  


While the majority of the army consists of humans, there are also some elves, dwarves, and, more rarely, orks. The army is structured hierarchically, with commanders, captains, and lieutenants overseeing the lower-ranked soldiers.  


In terms of size, the army of Aspana is one of the largest on the continent, due to the kingdom's vast territory. However, the army's true strength lies in its training and discipline. Soldiers are trained rigorously from a young age, and only the most skilled and dedicated are chosen to join the army.  


The army of Aspana is known for its versatility and adaptability. They are skilled in both land and sea warfare, and their use of magic in battle gives them an edge over many of their enemies. Their specialities include archery, cavalry, and heavy infantry. Overall, the army of the Kingdom of Aspana is a formidable force to be reckoned with. Their long history of training and strategic thinking, combined with their size and versatility, make them a force to be feared on the battlefield.