
The definitely not possessed


Deran Rimsson was born into a Hill Dwarf clan led by his father in the foothills of the Cenai Mountains. Deeply rooted in Dwarven traditions, Deran was a devout follower of his clan's ways. However, a life-changing dream, seen through the eyes of a wild stag, revealed the destructive actions of his people as they ravaged the natural world. Filled with anger that wasn't entirely his own, he confronted his father and demanded an end to these harmful practices.   The next thing that is known is that he fled the settlement, guided by a mysterious deity in the form of a stag-horned humanoid. He found refuge in a secluded forest clearing, a reward for leaving his past behind and following his new protector's guidance. Assured that the spirit would shield him and his sanctuary from his vengeful kin, vowing never to speak of his former identity again.   In search of answers about the entity he encountered, Deran journeyed to a larger city and sought counsel from a council of druids. They revealed that he had been blessed by the god Silvanus in the form of the horned hunter. Inspired by his newfound connection to nature and his devotion to Silvanus, Deran dedicated his life to protecting the wilderness and righting the wrongs of his clan.   Deran Rimsson now lives a solitary life, receiving divine guidance from Silvanus through his dreams. He harnesses the powers of a cleric and wields his Warhammer as a reminder of his heritage and the sacrifices he made to fulfil his calling. While devoted to Silvanus, Deran remains deeply connected to the earth and all living things, channelling his natural magic to nurture and defend the life he holds dear.  


I wanna get hold of my emotions so I thaught I'll try some drugs
Pick a god and pray


  • For a dwarf he really can't handle his liquor
  • Gets green shining eyes when angered
  • Vomits on sight of a gruesome kill (Even when he's the cause)
  • Gets easily sky- & sea-sick
  • Has big Chad energy
  • Had 2 Half-Orks teach him "Go Fish"
  • Is a disney princess
Dark Brown

Gay Percent