Farwater Reach


The Island that separates the Abyss from the Reaches is called Farwater Reach. It only has one settlement on it which is called Horntown and encompasses all of the humanoids living on the island.  


Everyone, except for Annuli and Rakmond, who lives on Farwater Reach has been born there, and there is about one boat a year that stops at the islands harbour. Most of the time they have lost track of where they were and were not looking to see any of the inhabitants of the island. Horntown is completely self sufficient and lives in accord with nature sorrounding them. The self sufficiency is due to the hard approach of the isle connected to the mists that linger through most of the year which make it hard to navigate around the many reefs that sorround the island. This is also the reason the pirates around these reefs use very shallow and small boats which dont get caught in debris and coral reefs as easily. The town uses their special breed of Meloi sheep as a defense mechanism against the natural predators of humanoids. THE MELOI KHRYSEOI are a flock of vicious, golden-fleeced sheep with poisonous bites. Their Wool produces long living and insulating clothing for the Townspeople. They should not be angered though…  


There is a lot of folklore about the nature on this island as it was able to evolve without the influence of mainland Xenethia. So there are many weird and unseen creatures on Farwater which are dangerous and unadjusted to humanoids interferring with them. One place which is particularly fabled and mystical to the island folk is welkin lake in the northern mountains of the island. It is said that the mist that sorrounds the island sometimes seems to eminate from the lake and travel down the two rivers towards the sea where it spreads quickly over the sorrounding water. At the River that clears the Naglands from the main part of the island, Owlbears have been spotted. That area is strictly forbidden for people to cross into. Recently the Owlbears have been spotted all over the far part of the Island. Most of the townsfolk keep very close to Horntown due to that reason. Otherwise there are many fey creatures and elemental creatures that inhabit the island. The Forests of the Island are rumored to shift and change according to the whims of nature and its spirits. So it is always a good idea to stay on the good side with the creatures of the forests. The sighting of a frosted over Dryad has been keeping the town on their toes for some time since the Dryads are usually healthy as long as the forests are well. So a sick Dryad is a telltale sign of some kind of blight or corruption to the forest she resides in. Her “vampiric touch” manifests as Frost taking the warmth from a body as she is yearning for it and takes all she can. She seems to control her fellow Dryads with a grip of violence and cruelty that has not been seen in a Dryad ever.
Example for one of the Sheep protecting Horntown
Artistic Rendition of a Blighted Dryad