Kindred Domain

Where Magic meets Nature


In the eastern region of Aspana, there lies a secluded and mystical place known as the Kindred Domain. The air is thick with the potent scent of nature and wild magic, which seems to infuse every inch of the land. But the Domain was not always the magical haven that it is today.   Long ago, when the first colonizers arrived in Aspana, they settled in the bustling city of Harbor. The colonizers sought to explore the hostile and ancient land and in turn, suffered heavy losses to its wild magic and unexplainable. As the years passed, the magic and its creatures that once roamed the land became nothing more than a distant memory.   It is rumoured that the magic of Xenethia seeps into the very earth, slowly merging from the most remote and inaccessible corners of the continent. It apparently pools together in the Kindred Domain, where it remains hidden from anything not home to it.   The Domain is surrounded by a vast and impenetrable forest, which acts as a natural barrier between it and the rest of Aspana. Along the border of the forest flows a river said to drown anyone who dares to swim in it. The forest is said to be alive, with trees that move and shift on their own and creatures that lurk within its depths.   Within the Domain are vast and sprawling lakes and rivers, with crystal clear waters that shimmer in the sunlight. The water teems with magical creatures, from the smallest and most delicate fairies to the mightiest of water beasts.   As time went by, the Domain thrived in isolation. It became a sanctuary for those who sought refuge from the harshness of the world and were daring enough to seek this land. And so, the Kindred Domain remained somewhat hidden from the world, a land of myth and legend, where the magic of nature and the wild still thrived.   Over the centuries, the people of Aspana gradually forgot about the Kindred Domain, dismissing it as a myth or legend. But for those who knew of its existence, the Domain held a powerful allure, a place where magic and nature reigned supreme. Some whispered that the magical river that protected the Domain was a gateway to another realm, a place of wonder and enchantment beyond mortal comprehension. Others claimed that the Kindred Domain was a cursed land, where those who ventured too deep into its wilds risked becoming lost forever.