Lord Thalendril Blackthorn

The Chronomancer of Mountainbound


Lord Thalendril Blackthorn is an elf that carries with himself a naturally easy air. Always seeking to entertain and be entertained, he dresses and surrounds himself often with very extravagant clothes, standing out as much as possible. He wears his long black hair in a tidy manner as well as his flashy imperial beard. There are two distinct wrinkles on his cheeks.  


Thalendrils fascination with order and time came from a very young age. As one of the best students at a private school in Satros, he managed to make good progress in his education much to the annoyance of his classmates since he had no problems boasting loudly about his achievements. In the meantime, he was also collecting clocks as his passion and fixing them together with his father who was a learned horologist.

On the scrapyard, where he usually found his best potential projects, he one day found a particularly interesting pocket watch. Before being able to examine it further, he suddenly got knocked out by someone. A group of classmates managed to find him and through their combined jealous efforts threw him into the giant landfill firehole. Thalandril was incinerated immediately in a yellow flash.

That is all it says in the newspaper describing the alleged dramatic circumstances of Thalendril Blackthorn's death as investigated. The 4 boys who murdered him seemed to know they had gone too far and fled the country entirely, never to be seen again.

Funnily enough in the paper a few weeks later there was a story about 4 old homeless senile men screaming confused in the streets for their mothers. They were quickly declared mentally unfit and swiftly taken away from the streets. It is a footnote, barely visible among the main headline on the first page that reads "NEW CHRONOMNCER KID'S SHOW ENCHANTS FLORIQUE".  


  • Might be autistic
Current Residence