Miss Luna

Fixer Extraordinaire


The first thing you notice is the big white hat, then the snow-white skin and if you're lucky enough, maybe even the beautiful face hiding beneath the glamorous exterior. She dresses in exquisite exotic furs and feathers and has no problems showing up to anyone who questions her sense of style. People who meet her talk of a young demeanour even considering it is said that she has been running Mountainbounds Underworld for many decades.  


Once bound by the "Volcano Overlord" Vega, she used to be the right and left hand of his operations in Mountainbound. Handling all sorts of day-to-day business including running the mines and making the taverns pay taxes for their right to do business on their turf.

When sensing the tides shift to a more progressive time through Florique's influence and seeing her Boss turn a blind eye to it not wanting to adjust their way of doing things, it didn't take her long to stage a coup and take the organization to herself. A self-made woman through and through, with a precise and efficient strike she became the most powerful woman in Mountainbound overnight.

Who or what she exactly is is often still debated. Only one thing is clear; no one has ever crossed her path and not gained something. Or lost everything...
Appears Early 30s
Current Residence