
The unfellable tree


Green as emerald moss is running down his shell marked by centuries of wear and tear. One who looks closer can even make out one or two scars where blades and other matter of impact had tried to hurt him.   He is obviously old. Like the kind of "ancient tortle" old. Leathery skin and milky eyes speak of his prime long past. Though the artefacts he wears on him don't seem any less potent.  


Finding himself at the centre of the druid circle in Aspana, O'Moss' journey is said to have been all but boring. A record in the library of the circle, hidden away quite cleverly, speaks of a young tortle wanted dead or alive. The reason was pillaging and plundering cities all around the world.   Though there are also witness reports hidden at the same place, dozens of statements from people saying that the fire the horrible pirates used to try and lay waste, was fended off by rapidly growing moss that seemed to protect everything of value. A mother speaks of finding her baby girl in the ashes of their home, completely covered in warm moss and soundly asleep.   O'Moss' past is far from unknown. Even so, nobody seems to have ever confronted him on it. His being as a convinced pacifist proceeds him. And so no fight was ever picked with him, or vice-versa. Even when the shiny relic on his arm does inspire a radiance of mystic and to the keen observer, dangerous & divine arcana.  


O'Moss in his younger days as a privateer
Milky, Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Spikey & Leathery