Oberon Videntis

Horder of Artifacts


Oberon Videntis, with an age that defies estimation, emanates an air of profound wisdom and experience. Its immense size is matched only by the intensity of its gaze, as the creature possesses colossal round eyes that glow eerily in the darkness. Within these radiant orbs, huge white pupils pierce through the shadows, exuding an otherworldly presence that demands attention.   Adorning its formidable frame are prominent features that add to its majestic visage. Towering horns crown the regal head of Oberon Videntis, evoking a sense of authority and power. Its talons, sharp and formidable, extend from its massive wings, ready to defend the treasures it holds dear. The creature's attire consists of a translucent, tattered robe that billows with ethereal grace. The worn fabric, bearing the marks of countless travels and adventures, adds an aura of mystery and intrigue to its already enigmatic persona.  


Oberon Videntis is a magnificent and imposing creature that captures the imagination with its awe-inspiring presence. This colossal owl, adorned with majestic horns and formidable claws, resides within the freezing mountains of Cenai. Known as the guardian of powerful arcane artefacts, Oberon Videntis harbours these mystical treasures under its expansive wings, shielding them from the grasp of those who would misuse their extraordinary potential.   Despite its imposing appearance, Oberon Videntis possesses a peculiar disposition. Always in pursuit of the favour of others, this enigmatic creature is curiously uninterested in worldly wealth and material possessions. Instead, it craves the exchange of favours and seeks to acquire the intangible currencies of trust, loyalty, and influence. With an insatiable wanderlust, Oberon Videntis traverses the realms, embarking on journeys to unknown lands and weaving through the tapestry of destiny.   Approaching Oberon Videntis can be an unsettling experience for the uninitiated, as its demeanour often exudes an aura of hostility and unease. However, beneath this veneer lies a serene and composed nature. Remaining tranquil in the face of chaos, Oberon Videntis approaches situations with an air of wisdom and sagacity, making it an invaluable advisor for those fortunate enough to earn its trust.   The origins of Oberon Videntis remain shrouded in mystery, but some speculate that its name may be derived from the ancient land of Obron, a distant and almost forgotten land.
Current Residence
Mountains of Cenai