Need something? Santos has it! Sometimes.. Maybe.. Probably..


Welcome to Santos' Magical Shop! Santos is a mysterious and powerful Sorcerer, and his shop reflects his eccentric personality. To enter the shop, you must first find the "Drunk Teddy" tavern and answer the riddle given. Once you solve the riddle, you will enter the magical shop, despite the fact that there is no visible door.   Upon entering, you'll find yourself in a dimly lit room where the windows show only darkness. The only light comes from the various candles and lamps scattered throughout the shop. The air is thick with the smell of ancient tomes, exotic animals, and incense.   The shop is cluttered and unorganized, with magical relics and animals in cages strewn haphazardly throughout the room. There are shelves upon shelves of ancient books, some of which look like they haven't been touched in centuries. In the center of the room, you'll see a large, rusted birdcage hanging from the ceiling, with several colorful birds chirping happily inside. The cats of the shop will be lounging and strolling around, looking at the new visitors with curiosity.   In most cases, Santos is nowhere to be seen, but you can hear faint whispers and murmurs coming from the back of the shop. As you explore the cluttered shelves, you'll notice that the artifacts and relics are all imbued with powerful magic. From enchanted amulets to ancient spell scrolls, everything in this shop has the potential to change your life.   However, be careful as some of the items are cursed or mischievous in nature, so it's best to ask Santos for advice before purchasing anything. If you're lucky, he might even offer you a glimpse into his mysterious and enigmatic world of magic. Welcome to Santos' Magical Shop - where the impossible becomes possible!