13. Descent into Archinaal

General Summary

Entry to the Depths granted
You are to investigate the irregularity on the floor, documenting as much as you can along the way. Anything you find that is safe to retrieve, handle at your own discretion. Any hostile creatures you encounter along the way, handle at your own discretion. You are free to slay anything that threatens your life, however we do recommend you think before you shoot. Some irregular creatures make fine research subjects. However, it is likely that you won't encounter anything on this floor that is worth extreme levels of risk, so don't sweat it...(or whatever you do as a replacement).
— Kranx

  The group descends into one of the lower floors of the Crypt. Upon arrival, it is noticeable that the walls are jagged and rough, and there's broken remnants of various objects scattered throughout. Traveling through the tunnels yields the first open space: a room with various blue-ish gems protrudding from the walls. They were able to be retrieved with relative percision in addition to a gem that seemed to be composed of gold.
Moving on through the various tunnels, they stumble upon a sword embedded in the wall of one of the tunnels. With a bit of creativity and time, Zeal manages to pry it out while some others split up. Kaylth and Turin round the corner to hear a man muttering to himself. Sat beside a large gravestone, a Disembodied by the name of Bryzal sat. Seemingly uncertain of anything around him, he quickly follows Kaylth stating he's been struggling to survive down here.
Batting Away Your Problems
After a bit more busting down walls, the group follows the tunnels to a larger opening. Some of the more observant quickly notice something's not right as a huge Wurm bursts out of the ground, snatches up a giant spider and descends back under the surface. However, the noise disturbed multiple Undead bats in the vicinity. The group fought off the tenacious flyers before the wurm made one last surface leap to press onwards through the tunnels. As the beast traveled, the sound of rocks breaking can be heard from their room. At this point, it is decided this was a good place to rest.
A few objects were found: a potion of fire-breathing, extra armor off of a corpse, and a small whistle.
Report Date
20 Jun 2022


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