14. Distortions and Contortions

General Summary

Rested and Ready...Probably

Finishing up a short rest, the group readies themselves to press onwards through the tunnels.
They round the corner into what looks like a piece of an altar protrudding from the wall with a podium atop some stairs. A large tome laid on the podium that no one could read. The group flipped through it to realize it had magical properties and contained diagrams of various beasts. Turin and Zeal discovered a page that had unusual magical properties that attempted to muddy their mind.
Following the tunnel lead them to an odd collection of bushes sprouting from the dirt and rocks. They were recognized as flowers that are associated with funerals, death, and general passing of life. The group picked a few before continuing.
At the end of one of the tunnels, a small green twinkle was noticed in the dirt. Attempting to approach it yielded that this emerald-looking object was attached to a set of jaws that snapped from the dirt. After some back and forth, the group managed to fish the burrowing mimic out of the group and tie its snapping maw shut.  

Final Encounter

Wrapping up what they figured should be the last of the underground, one new tunnel was discovered. It was recently broken open to a much wider space than the rest. A large broken down building seemed to be scattered across the black dirt, in addition to a dried up tree and broken down statue of a knight. As the group moved across the temple, the ground once again began to rumble as the Distorted Wurm erupted from the ground, seeking new prey.
As the fight carried on, the man known as Bryzal seemed to struggle in the back. Panting heavily, starting to shout about "getting out of his head" and overwhelmed by the fear surrounding him, the man fell to his knees as his body contorted and changed. His body was broken and twisted into that of a predator who lunged at Turin.
After the fight was won, the group skinned a few pieces of the foes, and upon slicing open the wurm, noticed a large purple crystal embedded in its body. Taking what they could find, they prepared to ascend back to the surface.
Report Date
27 Jun 2022


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