17. Consume, Adapt, Overcome

General Summary

What a Lovely Day

With all prepartions made, the group gathers up in their small cart attached to Zeal's Warmachine, and they set off with the rest of the devils. Navigating down the ravine, the path splits into multiple parts. Each set of Warmachines veered off into different directions, all hoping to score a sizable amount of demonic trophies. A few paths were small enough that large machines couldn't go down, but a smaller entourage like the party's could manage. Going down such a route, they were met with a slew of Rutterkin, demons who often could be found blindly following the greatest power, and Bulezau, general-like demons who tend to be found in service of a particular horned demon lord.
As the battle continued, more forces entered the mix: animate piles of black ichor that glided across the field, consuming all in their path. The other demons seemed not want to stay by as they made their approach. However, careful tactics and calculated attacks brought these demonic slimes down.
Pilot Slimes
Approaching what appeared to be an isolated island of obsidian upon a lava river, there sit a single purple portal, pulsing with life. Bleached bones of creatures lay scattered across the island, yet somehow fresh from recent battles. As the group approached, the portal pulsed once more. A large green ooze with a skeletal head and spine contained within emerged from the portal. Its gelatinous appendages reached out to grab hold of the party and seemingly suck the life from them.
After the giant slime was continually pummeled until the life sank from its lifeless eye sockets, the portal started to flicker. The portal stretches as a much larger black entity coalesces on the field. Towering over the party, an enormous black slime with a multitude of eyes has arrived on the plane: Juiblex, the Demon Prince of Slime. His presence is accompanied by a distant boom, barely noticeable to those unaccustomed to the flight of particular darkened wings. Zariel descends into battle, clashing with the gargantuan titan. With multiple clashing strikes of sword and unholy magic, she drove back the acidic lord, forcing the corruption and disintegration he causes back into the portal from whence he came.
Report Date
01 Aug 2022


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