5. The Hunt is On

General Summary

Deciding it would be best to split up and look for clues, the group departs in separate groups across Boonfall to find more information on these disappearances and what's causing it.
Lethal Injection
Jariah stayed behind to do more investigative work. Staking out up high gave him view of Scourge Alley as night progressed. Multiple possible individuals entered Lethal Injection. Dipping inside, he saw a man being led into a room. Hearing the conversation, Jariah caught his name, Favlo Alavor, and a general feel for the individual. Perhaps this would be his target to tail tonight.
Dusty Mirage
Kaylth and Turin made their way to the Dusty Mirage tailed by a half-orc looking fellow. Kaylth learned from a drunk Kobold about the presence of a place on Scourge Alley called the Gloomy Clover, a "black market" for trading magical items. Additional pressing from the bartender revealed there was an incident a little over a week ago where someone dressed in Inquisitor's gear was spotted in town. Rumors spread but it didn't amount to much, as the local authorities got to him and sorted it out.
Turin sat with some locals and talked over booze. The half-orc came to join them with powerful alchol in tow. After a while, talk of local rumors floated around: Alavors lacking in political power were ones who went missing.
Departing from the bar, the half-orc revealed himself to be Zeal in disguise.

Icy Lagoon
Yzmir and Gest make their way to the Icy Lagoon. Talking to the barkeep, Yzmir learns that the prominent vampire families around here (Alavor, Olicrete, and Malkin) don't always get along as their morals sit in different places: Alavor value power and stature, Olicrete are money-centric, and the Malkin are protective of their own. It's not uncommon for vampires from different families to not get along.
Additionally, it came to her attention that a fellow had not moved from his seat most of the night, despite one group leaving prior and a new one taking its place at his table.

Group Meetup
Eventually, the majority of the group meets up at the Icy Lagoon to combine what they've learned. Zeal also reveals what he found outside Lethal Injection: a well-made crossbolt with a bloodied wooden tip. After collecting all the information, Yzmir takes matters into her own hands and approaches the suspicious fellow with crossbolt in hand. Yielding no apparent result, Yzmir walks out of the tavern in a hurry. Zeal follows her (if only for the evidence he found that she took).
Report Date
12 Apr 2022


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