6. Gloom and Doom

General Summary

The group reconvennes and shares what they've learned. With a new day ahead of them, they follow their next set of ideas.  
The group visited the local authorities of Boonfall. They seem to have a small set of guards that rotate around the more populated aspects of the city. After presenting proper paperwork, Joeseph Millven, the human-looking guard at the desk, answered the groups questions. The man referred to in the Inquisitor lookalike incident was Mr. Dvalto Alavor. Pale white skin, gaunt cheeck bones, short black hair, and walked with a hunch. He is visiting from out of town and was dressed in a jacket that resembled the Inquisitor's attire. Upon questioning, it was determined that he had stolen this from one he had defeated some time ago and didn't mean to cause concern. His location was undetermined as he had only recently arrived and didn't have a place to stay yet.  
Gloomy Clover
Walking back to the musky streets of the Scourge, the group sets out for The Gloomy Clover. Inside leads to a small room with a glass panel over a countertop for an exchange center. A Nosferatu-looking vampire stands behind the counter.
Whether you seek my wares or knowledge, I ask of you: what can you give me in exchange?
Yzmir offers up a vial of her own blood, blood of celestial descent. He accepts the offer and informs you of the man known as Dvalto showing up a few days prior. He traded multiple mundane items, animal parts, and even a holy symbol for a couple of magical items. When pressed on their significance, the vendor merely describes his criteria as just seeking out the cheapest magical items.
When asking where he'd be now, the man points to his somewhat long nose: he smelt rather clean for someone of Scourge Alley. Enough so to stand out. Like he had been able to wash up not too long ago.

Eyes on the Street:
The group looked to the streets, seeking out a new approach to finding this man. When looking to those who lived on the street, Turin and Jariah couldn't help but recall something about cast-out vampires. Those without a bloodline family, those who are Nameless. Simple Vampire thralls who struggle to get by. The group sought out one of these thralls by the name of Mikael Almst, an older man with a generally down demeanor. Turin asked for this man's assistance in seeking out Dvalto and Yzmir added on mention of the suspicious fellow from the tavern, with promises of reward for his efforts.
Report Date
18 Apr 2022
Primary Location


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