7. Alavor in the Streets, Macabre in the Sheets

General Summary

Returning to Macabre
The group returned to Lethal Injection to reconvenne with Moanika Macabre. They were allowed backstage through the dressing rooms to Moanika's personal room. The group conveys what they learned to Moanika, following up with new questions. "Any personal grudges?" Moanika responds with comments about how it can happen unintentionally in a workplace like this. Jealous could be an easy motivator against their line of work.
In addition, Jariah's request was fulfilled and two Alavor identites were provided in hopes they could help catch the culprit.
Cards on the Table
Jariah sticks behind at Lethal Injection to keep watch. The rest of the group advances towards the Hellshoe Casino, a place to partially kill time and also to maybe gain any additional information. A quick look inside reveals it to be a casino themed after various Nine Hells thematics. Despite its almost "appropriation" of the Hells, many Infernal kind can be spotted in the establishment, either as workers or patrons.

Kaylth's Table
Kaylth sits down at a table with a couple of vampires and notices one eager to try and win. Exchanging more money for conversation, he prys info out of the gambling man. Eventually the conversation steers towards Dvalto. While the vampire has no recollection of the name, Kaylth notices a passing by elven worker smirk, if just for a second. Kaylth quickly gets up to follow the man.

Zeal's Inspection
Zeal looks around, noticing very little that actually intrigued him. This place had a certain stench to it. His stench. He looked around for a brief period, but little held his interest. On his way out, he couldn't help but notice Kaylth walking behind a worker, intent on following his footsteps.

Turin's Table
Turin made his way to the roulette tables to integrate with the crowd. He sits down at a table next to a green-skinned devil by the name of Aldrick who has the air of someone important, or at the very least, a regular. Turin bets on the game for a while, but doesn't have the greatest luck. After some time, he takes notice to Kaylth and Zeal walking towards a particular casino worker.

Yzmir's Table
Shortly upon walking in, Yzmir notices a worker in the distance double take at seeing them before continuing onwards. Immediately after, she catches sight of a familiar face: Moul Gerring, the devil who she met some time prior. She slides up to his seat as they catch up over drinks. She asks if Moul has any experience with those good at disguising themselves. Moul steals a glance somewhere else, and after a drink, mentions that you'll probably meet someone better than him at that area of expertise.

The mysterious worker dips and weaves through the crowd before stopping in front of the table Yzmir is seated and immediately takes over its next game. The group crowds in at the table with Zeal standing immediately behind the man. The worker makes ambigious comments about knowing Turin and how he'd have to be somewhere where he could find him. The dots connect as Turin realizes who's in front of him.
It's been some time...Dealer
— Turin
The worker smirks, as his hand briefly covers his mouth, swiping away to reveal white, porcelain-like skin with a etched-in stitched smile. "I did say it was what I was most commonly called. Now, given the way you're poking around, it looks like you're looking for something." The group fills in Dealer on what they've learned. After they've told him everything they know, he cocks his head briefly and stares blankly. He turns back to the group: "You'll want to head back to Scourge Alley posthaste. You should find you've already found what you're looking for. Go!"  
Shadows Cast and Blades Drawn
Back at Lethal Injection, Jariah notices the Nameless they recruited earlier, hustling and looking around. Jariah reaches out to him. "It's him, sir. The man you described with the hunch." Jariah has Mikael lead him to where he saw him and stalks the man presumed to be Dvalto Alavor. He attempts sneaking up close enough to disarm him. "I can't say I recommend that." The luminescent street lamp pulses in the darkness as Dvalto turns to face Jariah. The description is pretty spot on: gaunt facial features, dark thin hair, dressed in an armored jacket much like one an Inquistor would wear, though its religious symbols have been cut off. A conversation between Jariah starts as the rest of the group arrives on scene. Dvalto makes multiple statements about the group before him, as if he knows things about them...

Lethal Injection Soundtrack

Hellshoe Intro Song

Dvalto Introduction
Report Date
26 Apr 2022


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