Dawnborn & Duskborn

Titles born of neutral parties to refer to categorically refer to different races.
With the gloom settling in on the plane, races naturally prefer the company of those that live similar lives to them. Those who lived on the Material Plane, preferred the light of day, and mostly hold a "good" alignment are what get referred to as the Dawnborn. Those who prefer the shroud of night, isolation, or have unsavory conditions they must live by tend to be referred to as Duskborn. It's worth noting that the titles often refer to the collection of races but not always your personal alignment. A human anarchist would still be considered Dawnborn while a pacifist Vampire would be Duskborn. There also exist Neutral parties who may not by default belong to either category, but their interests may align with one side more than the other. Collequially, one may refer to the general alignment of the races as the Dawn and the Dusk. Meaning while not all Humans may be good, the general population and goals the race sets tend to towards peace and prosperity.  
You're human, a maggot among the Dawnborn. Yet you mean to tell me you don't align with the Dawn?
— Hooded Tavern Figure
  However, typical alignments are as such:  

Dawnborn Races:

Humanoids, Celestials, Fey, Giants

Duskborn Races:

Monstrosities, Undead, Fiends, Aberrations

Neutral Races:

Beasts, Dragons, Elementals, Constructs (maker dependent)
  Dawnborn: (More details to come)   Duskborn: (More details to come)


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