
DM Note: I reference D&D creatures in this article that aren't all creatures in 5e. As such, I will describe the appearance, role, and skillset that would be common knowledge about these creatures as my definitions of them might vary from the base to make them fit into the world's schema. If no description is provided/promised to come, then you can assume they are identical to base 5e.
The broad term often used to encompass all divine celestials. Angels and Seraphs are words that often get used interchangebly, but have slightly varied definitions.
Angels are the race of winged humanoids, a subset of celestials known for their combat prowess and willingness to assist Dawnborn in their time of need. Seraphs is a larger category, referring to celestials that are tied to the divine. The varying types of Angels make up the majority of Seraphs that those on the Material often encounter if they're lucky enough. However, examples of other Seraphs might include Archons, Guardinals, and Hollyphants as they all have roles assigned by the heavens. Conversely, celestials who are not Seraphs would include Unicorns, Coatls, and Ki-Rin, as they simply have celestial origins and/or skills in great fortune.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

All Seraphs have a form of "immortality," although not always the same type. However, practically all of them can be said to be ageless, as they will never succumb to old age.
Angels can have their bodies be harmed, but they will not die from their wounds. They have a natural healing that will repair them, but that does not prevent them from injuries that impact their ability to function.
Hollyphants on the other hand are similar to Devils: if they ever would be killed outside of the Upper Planes, their essence would scatter and reform there.


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